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bulwiengesa presents: Logistics and Real Estate 2018

Logistics is one of the key building blocks of modern economies. Logistics is by far not only the connection and distribution ressources, products and consumption, nowadays logistics comprises a broad variety of additional services relating to the manufacturing industry. Logistics is the elementary component of supply-chains – enabled by specialised logistics real estate.

Germanys logistics real estate market however is still quite intransparent. All partners of this study are united in the goal to imrpove transparency on the German logistics real estate market.




Logistics And Real Estate Survey 2015

Many Angles. One Survey.

Logistics And Real Estate Survey 2016

Strong Demand. High Expectations.

Logistics And Real Estate Survey 2017

City Logistics. With new Ideas in the City.

Logistics And Real Estate Survey 2018

Beyond the Hype.

Partners of the survey series

Joint Competence Centre for Logistics and Logistics Real Estate

Berlin Hyp AG

Berlin Hyp specialises in large-volume real estate finance for professional investors and housing societies, for whom the Bank develops individual financing solutions.

Bremer AG

For over 70 years, BREMER has raised buildings within every kind of performance envelope from shell & core to turnkey solutions.

Garbe Industrial Real Estate GmbH

Based in Hamburg, Garbe Industrial Real Estate GmbH is one of Germany’s leading companies selling and managing logistics real estate and multi-let properties of the Unternehmensimmobilien type.

Savills Immobilien Beratungs-GmbH

Based and listed in London, Savills is one the leading, globally active real estate service providers domiciled and listed in London.

bulwiengesa AG

bulwiengesa AG is one of the major independent analytics firms for the real estate industry in Continental Europe and provides bespoke strategic real estate related consultancy services.


You are interested in our surveys, have questions regarding logistics real estate or would like to team up with our competence centre? We look forward hearing from you.

Tobias Kassner, Business Unit Manager
bulwiengesa AG


Provider of the websites www.logistikundimmobilien.de, www.logistik-und-immobilien.de, www.logistikundimmobilien.de, www.logistics-and-real-estate.com as well as www.logisticsandrealestate.com

bulwiengesa AG
Wallstraße 61
10179 Berlin
Telephone: +49 30 278768-0
Telefax: +49 30 27 87 68-68
E-mail: info@bulwiengesa.de
Homepage: http://www.bulwiengesa.de

The Board of Directors
Ralf-Peter Koschny
Moorfuhrtweg 13
22301 Hamburg
+49 40 423222-0

Thomas Voßkamp
Nymphenburger Straße 5
80335 Munich
+49 89 232376-0

Supervisory Board Chairman
Bernhard H. Hansen

Register entry: Registered with the commercial register
Register court: Local court Charlottenburg/Berlin
Comercial register number: HRB 95407 B

Tobias Kassner
Moorfuhrtweg 13
22301 Hamburg

elevenfifteen GmbH
Melanie Bromeis
Magdalenenstraße 54
20148 Hamburg
+49 40 55898 1122

Alexander Steinhöfer
Schäfflerstr. 2
84419 Schwindegg
+49 176 24253482

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